Whoops-a-Daisy the World’s
Gone Crazy

There have been many dark tales which have been read to children over the years Some stories may have instilled a few children with phobias or fears Such as those original stories from the Grimm brothers………centuries ago Many of which plenty of us have grown to know. Dark tales set in the woods, which had caused such woe. Some tales haven’t left many completely at ease Those that have been passed down through the centuries………. Originally were quite frightening and even rather gory, Yet……..my intentions upon writing this lengthy story, Was to not frighten any children, though to make them aware. For the sake of future generations to love and take care, To not be greedy, or thoughtless, yet to be more giving by protecting this planet on which we are all living! This story centres around a 7year old girl, by the name of Fyrn And about the many things which she comes to learn As she fights for Fairness for a Future for her four furry/feathered friends and Mankind Fyrn endeavours to become the voice to those who can’t speak and the eyes for the blind Those who know not what path they should choose, And for civilization who’s on the cusp, with so much to lose.